Monday, July 22, 2013

exciting things are happening around here! so.. our blog is live, yippeeeee! you can now follow us on blogger. we will try not to be a bore, but this is a place for us to share updates, new product, and just let you know what is going on in the sweet sprouts world. exciting huh?

well, we designed our first custom birthday shirt!
one of my very best friends from college, amybeth...
who i need to mention, is FABULOUS!

has a little boy, who just so happens to be turning two...
he also happens to be one of the cutest things you have ever looked at.
yes, harper thinks he is pretty cute.

so, he is having a 2nd birthday carnival this weekend, and we were flattered
 that she asked us to make make his birthday shirt. 
we think it turned out pretty darn cute.
enjoy your birthday, as much as we enjoyed making a little part of it.

speaking of carnivals, we are taking harper to the fair tonight. 
we will let you know tomorrow, how much cotton candy we it.

enjoy your afternoon,


  1. We just received an adorable package with your sweet creations. I will have to have more! I loved the fabric and personalization! Cant wait to see more!

  2. oh my goodness! we are so happy that you loved it! sweet zoe will be so precious in her new sweet sprouts! we can't wait to see a picture of her in them. new things are happening around here. fall items coming soon, we will keep you posted!
